Derrick Williams is the Senior Vice President of TDJ Enterprises, where he works closely with Bishop TD Jakes. He is also the co-producer of “Sparkle” and the executive producer of films such as “Miracles from Heaven”, “Heaven is for Real”, “Black Nativity”, and “Woman Thou Art Loosed”.
Over the last 20 years, through his company Favor International, Derrick has offered services in five major areas: live events; film and television; business development; marketing; and artist management. He has orchestrated the production of numerous events ranging from fundraisers, award shows, stage plays, live recordings, screenings, seminars, concerts, tours, conferences and corporate events. For the past 17 years Derrick has facilitated all aspects of Bishop TD Jakes’ entertainment division, including producing feature films, television productions, and stadium conferences.
Derrick has worked closely with organizations such as the Congressional Black Caucus, Universal Studios, FOX Entertainment Group, Clear Channel Entertainment and Sony Pictures Entertainment, as well as smaller, community-based organizations. Derrick is internationally recognized as a marketing guru, evidenced by the success of movies such as “Jumping the Broom”, “The Pursuit of Happyness”, “Not Easily Broken”, and the remake of “The Karate Kid”.
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